Committee recommends rejecting Rx to non-Rx requests
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Germany: BfArM committee recommends rejecting Rx to non-Rx switch requests


The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, BfArM)’s expert advisory committee has recommended rejecting applications to switch to non-prescription status xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide for nasal use, and sildenafil 50mg.

The committee’s recommendations are forwarded to the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, BMG) for consideration (but the BMG’s decision is unlikely to deviate from the committee’s recommendation).


  1., “85. Sitzung (25. Januar 2022 per Videokonferenz) – Kurzprotokoll”, 25th January 2022
  2., “Ein Nasenspray gegen laufende Nase – weiterhin nur auf Rezept”, 26th January 2022
  3., “Sildenafil bleibt verschreibungspflichtig”, 25th January 2022

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