NHS England board papers have outlined a proposal to radically change the way the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) operates.
The proposal states that “the CDF should become a ‘managed access’ fund for new cancer drugs, with clear entry and exit criteria.” These entry and exit criteria will be determined by NICE, whereby cancer drugs deemed, by NICE, to have insufficient evidence to support a positive recommendation would be provided access to the CDF whilst additional ‘real world’ evidence is collected.
At the end of this period the product would undergo an abbreviated NICE assessment to determine if the additional evidence is sufficient to support a positive NICE recommendation at which point the product would move out of the CDF into the mainstream NHS commissioning.
Should the evidence result in a negative NICE opinion the product would be removed from the CDF and not be recommended for NHS funding. This proposal will now go out for public consultation with the aim of it becoming effective in April 2016.