Virtually everyone has been impacted by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Payers and HTA bodies across the globe adapt their pricing and market access processes in response to COVID-19 (see our previous COIVD-19 HTA analysis here).
To address the issue in a way that will deliver value to the global pricing, market access and HTA community, we conducted a survey to further understand the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on pricing and market access functions within the pharmaceutical industry. We are delighted to say that we have received fabulous feedback, with responses from at least 15 industry executives across global pharma companies.
Key findings include:
- COVID-19 is significantly impacting the pharmaceutical business, although this is not currently being felt significantly by market access teams
- Lack of payer engagement and suspension of negotiations are affecting market access and uptake of launched products
- For pipeline products, paused clinical trials and disrupted P&MA activities are likely to delay product launch by ~6 months
- The impact on HTA agencies has been mixed. Some agencies are continuing virtually, others have been forced to focus on only crucial activities
- Internally, only respondents from small companies are currently anxious of the long-term financial implications
- Finally, respondents are particularly anxious about the long-term effects on the ability of healthcare systems to afford new therapies
A full copy of our survey results is available for you to download here: COIVD-19 Survey Report 1_0